When We're Singin'

Day 23: The Partridge Family TV Dinner

John MillerComment

There's something about Shirley Jones head coming out of the mashed potatoes and David Cassidy coming out of the vegetable mix that, well, just cracks me up! Surreal? Absurdist Art? Something David Bowie might have done?

Our dear Mary English was asked to submit ideas for cover designs. This was a simple idea, not intended to be a finished product by any means, and it was submitted along with two or three other ideas.

Bell Records Art Director Beverly Weinstein took a look at this and shuttered, simply shaking her head and saying, "um...no.” But imagine what it could have been with a little development, right? After all, the theme fits on so many levels... Just sayin'..

In 2021 it's now a piece of nostalgia and we are grateful to Mary for, not only what was, but what could have been--and for sharing it with us. (Mary, I actually love it!)

This one's for the collector! Merry Christmas! Now please share some of your own ideas for a Partridge Family album title! :)